10 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine


Whether you are an early riser or you struggle to get out of bed before 10am, we can all benefit from a good morning routine. But sometimes, no matter what our intentions, the morning gets away from us and we find ourselves fighting to catch up and correct our day. That’s why I’m going to share with you my top 10 ways to improve your morning routine so that you can start your day right, every day.

1. Get a Good Night's Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep may not seem part of a morning routine, but getting a good night of rest is crucial for having a good morning. Some key tips to optimizing your sleep include avoiding caffeine after 2pm, creating a dark room, and minimizing junk light or screen time right before bed. You can also train your body to wind down with a nightly ritual. Getting a good sleep will ensure you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. 

2. Wake Up at the Same Time Each Day 

Ever heard of the term body clock? If you set out to wake up at the same time each day over a set period of time, you will likely notice that your body will start to wake you up at that time with or without the alarm. This is thanks to our circadian rhythm. Better yet, if you can get some sunlight in your eyes upon waking too, you’ll further encourage your body to set its circadian rhythm, making waking up just a little easier.

3. Don’t Look at Your Phone Immediately

Before you reach for your phone and dive straight into the social media, email, or work notifications on your screen, let yourself wake slowly and gently. We don’t want to burden our minds with a lengthy to-do list while we are still half asleep. With this in mind, it’s best to wait until you’ve woken up completely and are ready to get your workday started before looking at your phone.

4. Fuel Your Body with the Right Coffee and Breakfast

Start your day with my delicious Superboost Morning Coffee thanks to Bulletproof Coffee. I’ve been drinking this coffee daily for the last 5 years and it gives me so much energy to tackle the day. While you’re enjoying your delicious cup of brew, you can get started on creating a healthy breakfast with lots of healthy fats to keep you energized and satiated throughout your morning. 

5. Get Some Movement or Exercise In

I personally like to do my workouts early in the morning. It gets my blood pumping and my mind firing ready to start the day. It also means it doesn’t fall to the wayside when my busy day begins. But, if you’re not up to something strenuous first thing in the morning, some simple stretching or light movement is enough to help your body to get going. 

6. Make a Daily Goals and To-Do List

If you’re anything like me, you like to see what’s ahead of you that day, before you get stuck in. I would recommend writing out your daily goals and to-do list before you start to look at emails and get bogged down with work. This will help you to prioritize your goals, rather than pushing them aside when more work is added to your plate. 

7. Clean Up Your Work Area 

A messy workspace equals a stressful workspace! I like to make my bed and keep my kitchen clean and tidy after breakfast, so I can’t be distracted or overwhelmed by messes around me. I simply can’t focus when there is mess about and it tends to stress me out. This is particularly important to prioritize now that most of us are working from home. Aim to set your home workspace up as similarly as possible to your office workspace and you’ll be set for a productive day. 

8. Stay Hydrated

Starting the day off with a big glass of water will help you to set the tone for staying hydrated throughout the day. When we are hydrated, we benefit from increased focus and concentration, a better mood, and can avoid fatigue. If you struggle to drink water enough throughout the day, why not try adding some lemon or fruit to your water or have decaffeinated herbal tea instead.  

9. Practice Gratitude 

What are you thankful for each day? Spend 2-3 minutes practicing gratitude by writing down what you are thankful for each morning. Then think about how you can use this gratitude to set the mood for your day. You could also tie this in with setting your goals and writing your to-do list for the day if some of the things you’re thankful for relating to your work.

10. Take a Shower and Get Dressed

With many of us working from home these days, it can be so easy to work in your jammies all day. However, setting a routine and getting ready for your day by taking a refreshing shower and changing your clothes can help to make your day more productive. 

So, there you have it! Next time you’re struggling to get your day started on the right foot, I hope you’ll think of my tips to help you on your way. And remember, you don’t have to enlist all 10 tips right away! Start by choosing a few that seem easy to you and tackle those first, before adding more steps into your new morning routine.