Are You Sleeping On A Memory Foam Mattress?

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If so, we need to chat. I know you might adore your memory foam mattress, but it could actually be the source of your symptoms and health issues.

Sleep is absolutely vital to our health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, what seems like an innocent purchase to buy yourself some comfort ends up being the brunt of illness. Here’s the deal, memory foam mattresses are notorious for harboring mold. Eek! Who wants the most intimate area of their home to be riddled with mold? I’m gonna guess no one. That’s why it’s time to ditch your memory foam mattress and glow up with a non-toxic mattress.

Why are memory foam mattresses so dangerous? Without proper air and ventilation they grow mold. And as you’ve learned by now, mold is a toxic hazard to your health. You certainly don’t want to be snuggling up with mold at night, right? If you’ve got a memory foam mattress, keep reading to see why it’s time to rethink your sleeping situation.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that grows where moisture lives. What are memory foam mattresses made out of? Foam. And what does foam do? Absorb moisture. You can see where I’m going with this… Mildew builds up when the mattress doesn’t get adequate airflow. Essentially, it infests in the mattress and wreaks havoc on your health. Exposure to mold leads to health problems and symptoms that can seriously debilitate your life. Think about it: if you’re snoozing for a solid 8 hours each night, (that’s great!) but unfortunately that’s 8 hours of exposure to toxic mold every night. Of course, this intense exposure will cause a reaction over time and generate symptoms. This can be extremely frustrating as often people don’t realize that the source of their symptoms is their mattress.

What Does Mold Growth Look Like?

The first think you might notice is the pungent smell of mold. It’s a consistent, unpleasant scent that fills up your home. At first, you might think it’s coming from another source but it’s a good idea to check your mattress first to eliminate that right away. If your memory foam mattress doesn’t see the light of day, chances are you’ll see mold spots on the bottom of the mattress.

What’s worse—body sweat can cause mold to infest through the mattress and you might not be able to see it.

What Are the Health Symptoms of Mold?

You might not be able to tell exactly what’s wrong, but you certainly don’t feel right. That’s how many people describe mold illness. Other common symptoms include headaches, poor sleep, pain, fatigue, confusion, light-sensitivity, sinus issues, coughing, stuffiness, abdominal issues and more. The fact of the matter is that mold is toxic, whether you’re in excellent health or have a chronic illness.

Many people mistake their mold symptoms for allergies. Unlike allergies, when you leave the area of mold and get fresh air, your symptoms should alleviate.

Time For a Non-Toxic Mattress

Just because you ditched that moldy mattress doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort. In fact, there are even non-toxic memory foam mattresses! Casper Mattresses are designed to create balance and support, feel super cozy, and not threaten your health. How? Casper uses open cell foams that contain little pores that allow the mattress to breathe and air to flow freely. This is especially vital for preventing overheating and sweat that creates mildew and mold. Best part? You feel like you’re sleeping on a cozy cloud. Now that’s some sweet dreaming!

Need a little extra help sleeping? No sweat. Check out these 10 ways to optimize your sleep—including upping your sleep game with a non-toxic memory foam mattress.