What's Really In Your Tap Water?

We all know that staying hydrated is one of the biggest keys to staying healthy. But have you ever stopped to wonder what's actually in the water you're drinking every day? Water straight from the tap can contain potentially dangerous chemicals, heavy metals, herbicides and other nasty substances. If you've been drinking your water straight from the tap, you could be making yourself sick without even realizing it. It's why filtering your water is so important. Here's what you need to know about what's lurking in your tap water, and how to protect yourself from it.

What Kind Of Chemicals Are In Tap Water?

Some harmful substances occur naturally in groundwater, while others are man-made. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the EPA regulates around 91 dangerous chemicals in the water supply. But that's just a drop in the bucket compared to the 60,000 chemicals that cities all across the US use in their tap water every year. If your immune system is already weak or compromised from fighting off a chronic illness, the last thing you need to worry about is toxic substances in your drinking water. Some of the most common chemicals and contaminants lurking in your tap water can include:


The United States has chlorinated the water supply since the turn of the century as a disinfectant. Potentially harmful effects of drinking chlorinated tap water include asthma, food allergies, congenitive issues and even certain types of cancer. Thankfully, it's easy to evaporate chlorine from tap water just by leaving it out for a few hours.


Chlorine also has a more sinister cousin, chloramine. Chloramine is the combination of chlorine and ammonia.  Some US counties and cities use it in place of chlorine since it's cheaper, including LA county where I live.  But as we all know, cheaper doesn't mean better. According to the CAC, (Citizens Concerned about chloramine) chloramine can cause or aggravate respiratory problems, skin reactions, digestive issues, and more. Chloramine doesn't evaporate like chlorine does either, making it tougher to get rid of.


Fluoride was added to the water supply in the '50s as a way to combat cavities and tooth decay. However, it's also a neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor. It's been linked to hypothyroidism and all the weight gain, depression and fatigue that goes along with it. Plus, it's not even that effective for dental health when ingested. Honestly I am not sure why it is still in our lives given its choppy track record. 

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals like lead, mercury and copper often leech into drinking water from old pipes or from mineral deposits in the soil. Even low levels of lead can cause developmental issues in children, mercury can cause kidney damage and copper poisoning can cause gastrointestinal diseases. That's honestly just scratching the surface of heavy metal-related health problems. As someone who has gone through heavy metal chelation to get my health back, I can tell you these toxins wreak havoc on our body.


Artificial fertilizers and herbicides can leach into the water supply via runoff from storms or by seeping into groundwater. They often contain harmful substances like nitrates, which can be dangerous to pregnant women and babies. They can even cause premature birth or methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in babies younger than 4 months old.


Yes, arsenic. This literal poison can occur naturally in mineral deposits and is allowed in the water supply in small amounts. It's estimated that almost 140 million people worldwide have been drinking water that contains well above the WHO's recommended guidelines.  Arsenic has been linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease,  diabetes and more.


Sometimes, the runoff from pharmaceutical supplies can enter the water supply. Wastewater treatment plants don't always do their part to properly remove them either. One study discovered that water from sewage treatment plants contained a whole litany of drugs ranging from Tylenol to Oxycodone to Antidepressants and more. Oh, and did I mention that California recently announced it was going to start recycling sewage water for tap water? Isn't that great?

How To Keep Your Water Safe

Some people only drink bottled water to avoid chemicals from tap water, but even certain brands of bottled water can contain trace amounts of chemicals. I'm not a big fan of the environmental impact of disposable plastic bottles either, plus drinking out of plastic may not be much better. Only filtering your drinking water won't do anything about the water in your bathroom or laundry room. If you wouldn't drink unfiltered tap water, why would you wash your face, body or clothes with it?

Did you know it's even possible to inhale chemical vapors when taking a shower? I don't know about you, but I definitely don't want any chemical intruders tagging along for my showers. That's why I use a whole house water filter to filter the tap water for our home. My favorite filter brand is Aquasana. Our model filters out 97% of chlorine and other nasty chemicals from the tap water--including chloramine. It's by far one of the best investments for my home and my health that I've ever made. I definitely recommend them if you're looking for a way to keep your entire home safe from chemicals, toxins and pollutants in your water.