Why You Should Start Wearing Organic Clothing


It’s time to go fully organic. While you may be eating organic foods, sleeping on organic sheets and soaking up all the amazing benefits of living organic, have you ever stopped to think about your wardrobe?

That’s right, today i’m talking about why you should start wearing organic clothing. The truth is that our clothes come into direct contact with our skin all day long.

Choosing the right skincare and non-toxic laundry detergent isn’t enough. If we really want to maximize our healthy lifestyle, we need to start thinking not only about what we put in our body, but what we put on it.

Keep Chemicals Off Your Skin

I’ve talked a lot about how to detox your life, and wearing organic clothing is a great way to do that. Unfortunately, toxic chemicals like pesticides and fungicides actually make their way onto our skin. That’s because cotton is routinely treated and sprayed with chemicals during the entire process—from cleaning to dyeing cotton, toxins are used every step of the way.

What happens to these items? We buy them and put them directly against our skin. Contact with toxic garments can ultimately invite serious health risks like autoimmune disease and reproductive issues. However, organic cotton is not treated with these toxins so you can rest assured knowing your cozy sleepwear is chemical-free.

Minimize Toxic Pollution

As I mentioned above, the amount of chemicals involved with clothing is seriously alarming. A byproduct of that is the amount of chemicals put into the air, ocean and earth. Organic clothing companies work in conjunction with ethical business practices to provide sustainable, eco-friendly options that are actually stylish and safe for your body. Win-win!

Better Quality Clothing

Organic clothing is straight up made better than non-organic clothing. That’s because these items are made from organic, recycled materials to meet the demands of every day wear. In general, when clothing is made from organic materials, the companies prioritize high-quality workmanship and pride themselves in their priority of making clothing that lasts. When your clothes last longer, you spend less on constantly buying new fast fashion items that have a shelf-life of less than a year.

And while you might think organic clothing is pricier than non-organic clothing, this is often not the case! Especially considering that organic clothing lasts so much longer than the alternative. You’ll actually save money by investing into high-quality organic clothing that is designed to last.

Organic Clothing is Oh So Cozy

Honestly, organic cotton is so much softer than non-organic cotton. We wear our clothes pretty much 24/7, so they should be super comfortable, right? Well, so many items made from cheap fabrics are abrasive and can actually cause rashes and allergic reactions.

Conversely, organic clothing is seriously so soft and comfortable. Especially when it comes to underwear and sleepwear…

The First Step Toward Wearing Organic Clothing

So, are you ready to make the switch? A good launching pad for switching over to organic clothing is to start with the items that come into contact with your direct skin. Especially sensitive areas covered by under garments and sleepwear. That’s why I absolutely adore Organic Basics.

Their name says it all, with Organic Basics, you can literally find all your daily essentials including underwear, bras, t-shirts, tops, leggings, socks and activewear. These are the items you likely spend the most time wearing, and Organic Basics really raises the bar with their high standards by using organic cotton, recycled materials, and innovative technology to keep you comfortable all day (and night) long.

So, do you have to throw out your entire wardrobe and start over? Not yet, but it’s a good idea to buy a few essential organic pieces to get you started. Then, you can gradually replace old items and ultimately start wearing non-toxic organic clothing full time. Use code TRAILOBC2 for 10% off your order.

Take it from me: you’ll never be cozier than in organic clothing. Fortunately, Organic Basics takes cozy to a whole new level, all while making organic clothing an accessible way to start living, and wearing, organic.

Just make sure you are using Branch Basics non toxic laundry detergent to keep your organic clothes, well organic. Use code TrailToHealth15 for 15% off a starter kit.