
Simple & Quick Healthy Paleo Recipes 
These recipes are healthy and fast and don't require hours in the kitchen. 

A 28 Day Meal Plan With Everything Figured Out 
No hunting for sides or dressings, the whole week is figured out for you. 

Shopping Lists
Each week you have a pre-made shopping list to help you stay on track.

Recipes That Fit Your Diet Plan
All recipes are paleo and can be adapted to be Keto, AIP, Whole 30, and Primal. 

Structured To Empower You
There is a structure to the meals each week to empower you to create your own meal plans and recipes. 

Weekday Lunches 
Eating healthy when you work at an office all day can be a challenge so all of these lunches can be easily made the night before and packed for work or taken in a Mason Jar. 

Internationally Inspired
Many of the recipes are inspired by my travels around the world, just turned into a healthy paleo version. 

Every Recipe Has A Picture
Images in cookbooks can be such a good guide to how a recipe should look so EVERY recipe in the book has a picture.

100% Me. 
Not only are the recipes all mine, I also did all the Photography and Design for the book as well as self-publishing. 

More About The Trail To Health

286 pages