All About Mold And Mycotoxin Illness


Toxic mold is real and a huge health threat. Part of what makes mold so lethal is that it’s the source of chronic illness that we often don’t even realize is hurting us. How is this possible? Buildings that become water-damaged generate a toxic combination of chemicals and contaminants. Exposure to these toxins leads to Mold Illness. What follows are a slew of symptoms that lead to health issues and damage to the body.

Today, I want to talk about the importance of awareness and understanding the effects of toxic mold. Even the most health-conscious people aren’t impervious to Mold Illness. Of course, a healthy lifestyle is an effective strategy to ward off sickness. However, addressing toxins and your toxic load are key components to living healthy.

Here’s what you need to know about mold and mycotoxin illness.

Causes Of Mold Illness

Exposure to biotoxins, which are toxic biological substances, causes all sorts of damage to our body. This is due to the fact that the human body is not generally predisposed to processing them. As a result, exposure leads to a poisonous reaction that attacks the major functions of the body. The worst part? You don’t even know its happening until symptoms start to tell you something isn’t quite right. Worse, most allergy tests and labs won’t reflect whether or not you’re sick.

Exposure to dangerous chemicals and compounds cause mold illness. However, the cause isn’t singular as mold is just one of the many biotoxins that cause illness. Other culprits include fungi, bacteria, mycobacteria, mold spores, endotoxins, mycotoxins, and the list goes on.

The name for illness caused by the comprehensive exposure to biotoxins is called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, or CIRS. CIRS affects about 25% of people who have had exposure to biotoxins and a triggering event that disrupts the immune response.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic chemicals that live on the tiny spores of mold and fungus. They get released into the air that we breathe and contribute to the overall exposure to biotoxins and dangerous chemicals that lead to Mold Illness.

Symptoms of Mold Illness

Exposure to mold and mycotoxins can generate a variety of symptoms, which is why it is so often misdiagnosed. The following are common symptoms of Mold Illness:

  • Fatigue

  • Confusion or disorientation

  • Vertigo and headaches

  • Muscle cramping, aches and inflammation

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Coughing, difficulty breathing and sinus congestion

  • Abdominal issues

  • Memory issues, lack of focus

Misdiagnoses of Mold Illness

Despite the startling statistics: 25% of people are exposed to biotoxins, 43% of buildings have water damage, mold grows expeditiously in just 24-48 hours, diagnosing Mold Illness is extremely touchy.

Most people sense that something isn’t right; they’re fatigued, feel sick and lack energy, but aren’t sure why. They go to the doctor and run tests only to find out that on paper, they’re perfectly healthy. In many cases, people are diagnosed with a psychological disorder or referred to a psychiatrist. Other misdiagnoses include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, MS, stress, depression, even ADD.

No one knows your body better than you, and there is knowledge and help out there so don’t lose heart if you’ve experienced something as unsettling as a misdiagnosis. The worst part with mold is you can be exposed to it and then move and start to feel better, but your body still has not detoxed the mold and it is circulating in your system causing inflammation and wearing down your immune system. If you have lived or worked in a water damaged building it is best to rule out mold if you are having any health issues.

How To Heal From Mold Illness

While you can’t completely eliminate exposure to biotoxins, you can steps to significantly minimize biotoxins at home and work.

Plumbing: Plumbing leaks can lead to mold so it’s important to address them immediately to prevent water leakage.

Air: Use an air purifier to eliminate floating allergens, mold odors and germs that release into the air from mycotoxins. I personally use the Molekule Air Purifier, which traps and removes the micro pollutants and bacteria which make up 90% of the air we breathe.

Humidity: Moisture creates mold, which is why it’s important to use vents and dryers to minimize humidity. Improve ventilation by keeping windows open, using a de-humidifier and using the fan when you cook, etc.

Hard Surface Mold: If there is visible mold on hard surfaces in your home, scrub them with a non-toxic detergent and water.

Use Homebiotic: Hombiotic is an amazing product that is essentially a probiotic that eats away toxic mold! I use this all over my house as a preventative but also anytime I have any water leakage or spills.

Remember that biotoxins and mold love moisture, so keeping your home dry will help to minimize mold.

Get Proper Treatment

If you’re suffering from symptoms associated with mold, it’s crucial to have the proper knowledge to advocate for yourself and avoid misdiagnoses. There are a variety of tests to measure mold in your home. Reducing your toxic load is also an integral component to healing from Mold Illness.

You’ll want to take a step by step approach to Mold Illness treatment, as well as work closely with a trusted clinician or IIN Certified Health Coach. Journify is an amazing resource that connects you with health coaches, and you can also visit the California Center for Functional Medicine to find a certified clinician.

I am an IIN Certified Health Coach and my passion is healing people from Lyme, Mold and Autoimmune Diseases. Feel free to get in touch, I’d love to work with you on your trail to health! You can also learn more about my coaching packages here.

I also recommend familiarizing yourself with Surviving Mold for in depth information, recommendations and treatment for Mold and Mycotoxin Illness.