Episode 15: Kim Rogers - All About Parasites

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Meet Kim Rogers

Kim Rogers is such a trailblazer and wealth of knowledge in the world of parasite cleansing, sharing her message of encouragement to others – become an advocate of your own healing! Kim worked in the allopathic medical field for almost 20 years. She has a 4.0 average in all her education including Bach of Science with an emphasis in Health Services Managements & HR, Associates of Occupational Studies & Medical Specialties (Valedictorian here) with a major in Radiography & Minor in Psych. Kim was also a Healthcare IT & Technical Recruiter, Education Chair and Professor, Program Director, and Medical Specialist. We could keep going, but it’s quite obvious she has extensive medical training and experience educating others.

After years of failed western medical approaches, despite working the industry – Kim’s health was in devastating decline. No stranger to research, Kim went down the rabbit hole of self healing and natural medicine, an approach that addresses root causes rather than the symptom management that most doctors today adhere to. Her first parasite cleanse was with a company called Paraguard, which is no secret, because Kim documenting that experience is what led her to go viral on Tiktok, sparking huge interest from people all over the world who were witnessing her results and desiring change for themselves – many after a lifetime of going in circles within the seemingly never ending hampster wheel of allopathy medicine.

Two years in, Kim’s disciplined cleansing, researching and experimenting with varieties of parasite cleanses on the market compelled her to formulate a protocol for anyone wanting to cleanse with the most effective, supportive, and successful experience. She researched old school herbalism and plant medicine to formulate an inclusive kit for both first time users and seasoned cleansers alike. This is how Parafy came to be, and we couldn’t be more excited about the waves it is making in the Natural Health & Wellness Community.

What We Talk About

Kim’s Personal Struggle With Parasites
How You Get Parasites
How To Avoid Parasites
All About Her Kit
Symptoms of Parasites
How Often To Cleanse

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