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10 Ways to Eat Paleo on a Budget

We have already discussed the amazing benefits of a paleo diet on the blog and I truly hope this helped you to understand the ways your body can thrive when eating paleo. But of course, I understand that at first, this change to your diet may seem like it’s driving up your grocery bill more than your previous eating habits. So today, I’d like to share with you my top ten ways to eat paleo on a budget.

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Why You Need a Moccamaster Coffee Brewer

If you’re a coffee lover who is spending a ton of money on daily takeaway coffees, or a homebrewer with too many morning to-do’s to perfect your morning brew, a Moccamaster coffee brewer can solve all your coffee woes.

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What is Autophagy & Why is it Important?

If you’ve been following my journey for a little while, you would most likely have come across the term ‘autophagy’. This term comes up when we discuss topics such as intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting such as the ProLon Diet. But, we haven’t yet taken an in-depth look into what autophagy is, how our bodies do it, and what benefits we can get from inducing autophagy, so today, we are going to do exactly that.

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All About the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet

In the COVID-era of hunkering down and staying sheltered, many of us have experienced little shifts in our waistline. It's perfectly natural, but if you're looking for a healthy, proactive way to nix those pesky pounds, you may want to try a fasting-mimicking diet.

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Toxins And Antinutrients In Food - Why You Should Avoid Them

Over the past couple of years, there has been a growing discussion about the toxins and antinutrients in food. Waking up to the potential health threats in our diet, people are now reading food labels, learning more about food sources, and taking steps to keep their kitchen clear of harmful toxins chemicals. So, what are antinutrients in food and should you avoid them?

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How To Find Your Perfect Diet And Fuel Your Body With The Right Foods

For me, the right diet is a matter of sickness and health. When I found out I had Celiac Disease in 2012, I learned that going gluten free would literally change my life. And I’m not alone. Food is fuel, but it can also be devastating to those who are Immuno-compromised or have severe allergies.

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Cooking With Fresh Herbs - Benefits And Recipes!

It’s no secret that we’re all spending most of our time at home these days. What does that mean? That the popularity of home cooking is on the rise. So much so, that 54% of respondents in a recent survey said they're cooking more than they did before the pandemic.

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The Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

For centuries, mushrooms have been an integral healing aid in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now, medicinal mushrooms are making waves in the medical world, and not just alternative medicine.

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All About Peptide Therapy

Healing from illness or autoimmune disease requires taking a comprehensive approach. In fact, no single treatment plan fits all, which is why it’s important to research safe alternatives to find the right fit for you.

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All About Mold And Mycotoxin Illness

Toxic mold is real and a huge health threat. Part of what makes mold so lethal is that it’s the source of chronic illness that we often don’t even realize is hurting us. How is this possible?

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Healthy & Simple Ingredient Swaps

Going to the grocery store can feel more like a case of playing a detective than getting real food. Labels are there to trick us into thinking that we are buying and eating something healthy, when in fact, unless you know how to interpret the actual ingredients on the back, you could be getting tricked into buying something that is not as healthy as you think.

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My Must Have Kitchen Tools

Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated by all the fun tools you can get for your kitchen. There are many that can make your life so much easier and make prep much faster and there are others that, lets face it, just are not worth the money or space they take up. I am sharing my goto list of kitchen tools that I absolute love and use everyday and really thing are must haves for any kitchen.

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What Is Leptin And Why Does It Matter?

Today I want to talk about leptin. What’s leptin, you ask? The short answer is that leptin is a hormone that’s responsible for weight regulation, metabolism, fat, energy and reproductive functions.

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How The Ixcela Gut Test Can Help You Improve Your Entire Health

One of the most important (and often overlooked) aspects of health is the gut. The gut is essentially a second brain that interacts with our immune system, digestive system, hormones, cognitive function, energy levels, and emotional wellbeing. Many of us know when something is off; we have stomach issues, fatigue, and overall lower energy, but we don’t know why. Scientists and health experts agree — your gut has something to do with it.

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Are You Immunocompromised? Here Are My Daily Life Hacks and Tips To Stay Healthy

As someone who is immune-compromised since Lyme disease, Co-infections and mold decimated my immune system almost 10 years ago, I am not panicked about Coronavirus COVID-19.

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Emergency Food On A Restricted Diet

Well, times are certainly uncertain at the moment. Every day brings so many changes and ups and downs to our world as we know it. Here is my round-up of how to eat during a long term emergency.

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10 Ways To Help The Environment and Be More Sustainable

Our lifestyle habits have a huge impact on our health and the environment. Turns out, what we wear, eat and how we live shapes our carbon footprint. The great thing is that it’s easier than ever to start living sustainably and helping the environment at the same time!

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Why You Should Start Wearing Organic Clothing

It’s time to go fully organic. While you may be eating organic foods, sleeping on organic sheets and soaking up all the amazing benefits of living organic, have you ever stopped to think about your wardrobe?

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